Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accompanied by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez inaugurated the Tata Advanced Systems Limited’s (TASL) new C-295 aircraft manufacturing facility in Vadodara, Gujarat. The facility is India’s first private-sector Final Assembly Line (FAL) for military aircraft, marking a significant milestone in the country’s pursuit of defence self-reliance. This project highlights the growing partnership between India and Spain, aimed at elevating India’s defense manufacturing capabilities and reinforcing the mission, “Make in India, Make for the World.”
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is also excited for the new facility and he said that this a special day for Indian Aerospace Industry.
Tomorrow, 28th October, is going to be a very special day for the Indian Aerospace industry.
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) October 27, 2024
PM Shri @narendramodi , along with his Spanish counterpart Mr. @sanchezcastejon will jointly inaugurate the TATA Aircraft Complex for manufacturing C-295 aircraft in Vadodara.